"Per Executive Order from January 16, 2009, any and all documents relating to "fitness and determination" in regards to level of character and conduct necessary to perform work for or on behlf of a Federal Agency....continued with "Attachment 3"
Attachment 3
As per Executive Order: Granting Reciprocity on Excepted Service and Federal Contractor Employee Fitness and Reinvestigation Individuals in Positions of Public Trust, see attached, please provide copies of any and all records in regards to level of character and conduct necessary pertaining to Barack H. Obama, a/k/a Barry H. Obama, II a/k/a Barry Obama, a/k/a Barry Soetoro. These documents have direct relation to holding a Position of Public Trust.
Documents to include:
- Certified copy of original long vault birth certificate
- Certified copies of any and all passports and passport applications held in the U.S., Indonesia, Great Britain and Kenya.
- Certified copies of any and all school applications, school registrations, grant or student loan applications or funding received for Occidental College, Columbia University, Columbia College, Harvard University
- Certified copies of any U.S. Port of Entry Records
- Certified copies of any documentation pertaining to Social Security. Documentation showing multiple social security numbers being held
- Certified copies of documentation showing a social security number being applied for in the state of Connecticut
- Certified copies of immigration and naturalization records
- Certified copies of any records showing legal name and name change.
Delivered to "L. Dickerson" at 219 s. Dearborn St. Chicago, Illinois (5th Floor) on 1/26/09 at 1:38 pm:

Delivered to "David Habitch" with the FBI's Chicago headquarters office, 2111 West Roosevelt Road, Chicago, Illinois on 1/26/09 at 2:11 pm.