Monday, January 19, 2009
Unsealing divorce records from reader Laura
Jack & Actress Jeri Ryan aka “Seven”
Remember a few years ago, there was a scandal about a politician whose wife left him because he forced her to attend sexy raunchy (rhymes with the Ranch) sex clubs with him? The scandal dashed his hopes when the news was made public.
“the court concluded that the public's right of access outweighed whatever emotional distress the unsealing might cause.”
http://www.slate. com/id/2102872/
Blair Hull lost the Dem primary when sealed divorce papers reveal he threatened to kill his wife. (Is there no end of what a Democrat will do?
http://blog. washingtonpost. com/capitol- briefing/ 2008/04/former_ obama_foe_ aids_clinton. html
How ironic, that a man responsible for making “sealed” divorce records on two (2) occasions public, keeps his birth certificate sealed when the former contains accusations and the latter only facts.
I repeat, “the court concluded that the public's right of access outweighed whatever emotional distress the unsealing might cause.”
Connections to (you aren’t going to believe this) Hillary
http://www.freerepu focus/f-news/ 2075850/posts
Let’s see if I’ve got this right.
Sealed divorce papers can be made public because the First Amendment is more important than the feelings of the litigants.
The public has standing to get into divorce records, but not govt documents.
The birth certificate of Barack Obama may not be unsealed come hell or high water.
Anybody still think this country is worth fighting for?
I expect the MSM to keep this story out of the news until they feel safe they won, such as: Stupid attorney thinks Constitution still in force.
Remember a few years ago, there was a scandal about a politician whose wife left him because he forced her to attend sexy raunchy (rhymes with the Ranch) sex clubs with him? The scandal dashed his hopes when the news was made public.
“the court concluded that the public's right of access outweighed whatever emotional distress the unsealing might cause.”
http://www.slate. com/id/2102872/
Blair Hull lost the Dem primary when sealed divorce papers reveal he threatened to kill his wife. (Is there no end of what a Democrat will do?
http://blog. washingtonpost. com/capitol- briefing/ 2008/04/former_ obama_foe_ aids_clinton. html
How ironic, that a man responsible for making “sealed” divorce records on two (2) occasions public, keeps his birth certificate sealed when the former contains accusations and the latter only facts.
I repeat, “the court concluded that the public's right of access outweighed whatever emotional distress the unsealing might cause.”
Connections to (you aren’t going to believe this) Hillary
http://www.freerepu focus/f-news/ 2075850/posts
Let’s see if I’ve got this right.
Sealed divorce papers can be made public because the First Amendment is more important than the feelings of the litigants.
The public has standing to get into divorce records, but not govt documents.
The birth certificate of Barack Obama may not be unsealed come hell or high water.
Anybody still think this country is worth fighting for?
I expect the MSM to keep this story out of the news until they feel safe they won, such as: Stupid attorney thinks Constitution still in force.