Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Press Conference debriefing
I flew into the DC area on a redeye flight, and went with attorney Philip J. Berg and We The People Foundation chairman Bob Schulz to a press conference on the Obama Eligibility Issue at the National Press Club in Washington DC on December 8, 2008. There was a standing room only crowd in the Murrow Room, of about 60 journalists. The entire 2.5 hour proceeding was recorded as a video which we will make available on this blog as soon as possible.
I chastised the mainstream press for not covering this controversy more fully and accurately. Several of them were quite miffed and chagrined at being taken to task over it. One of them was even offended when I said I had grown up under a totalitarian regime, and that I did not want to see the USA go down the same path! She had the gall to tell me to go back where I came from.
I raised numerous questions about the "mysteries" surrounding Barack Obama and his family, including the lack of hospital records in Hawaii for Obama and his mother. The press was dumbstruck in many cases, since they clearly are unaware of a lot of this material.
When I was challenged by the claim that the Secretaries of State and other election officials had already carefully vetted these candidates, I pointed out that our volunteers had repeatedly contacted every single state election body and Secretary of State, multiple times, over the last few weeks, and had not found a single example of a state where these officials had vetted the candidates, or even felt it was their duty to do so (see some responses here). This is in spite of the fact that state law requires many of them to do so, and this is even written into many state's election codes! I further noted that the Secretaries of State and other election officials are not doing their jobs since a woman who died in 2001 was listed as a democratic elector by the California Secretary of State. I presented Ilene Huber's death records to the audience, much to their amazement and chagrin. (You can look at these records for yourself here and here).
I believe that this press conference went a long way towards educating an influential group; the mainstream press. With continued efforts, we will raise the consciousness level of the US public on this topic.
Other accounts of this press conference can be found here and here.
Orly Taitz, as told to Robert Stevens
I chastised the mainstream press for not covering this controversy more fully and accurately. Several of them were quite miffed and chagrined at being taken to task over it. One of them was even offended when I said I had grown up under a totalitarian regime, and that I did not want to see the USA go down the same path! She had the gall to tell me to go back where I came from.
I raised numerous questions about the "mysteries" surrounding Barack Obama and his family, including the lack of hospital records in Hawaii for Obama and his mother. The press was dumbstruck in many cases, since they clearly are unaware of a lot of this material.
When I was challenged by the claim that the Secretaries of State and other election officials had already carefully vetted these candidates, I pointed out that our volunteers had repeatedly contacted every single state election body and Secretary of State, multiple times, over the last few weeks, and had not found a single example of a state where these officials had vetted the candidates, or even felt it was their duty to do so (see some responses here). This is in spite of the fact that state law requires many of them to do so, and this is even written into many state's election codes! I further noted that the Secretaries of State and other election officials are not doing their jobs since a woman who died in 2001 was listed as a democratic elector by the California Secretary of State. I presented Ilene Huber's death records to the audience, much to their amazement and chagrin. (You can look at these records for yourself here and here).
I believe that this press conference went a long way towards educating an influential group; the mainstream press. With continued efforts, we will raise the consciousness level of the US public on this topic.
Other accounts of this press conference can be found here and here.
Orly Taitz, as told to Robert Stevens